Kredobank improves feedback channels for clients

"Kredobank", founded in Lviv in 1990, is the biggest bank of Western Ukraine and the biggest Polish investment in the banking system of Ukraine, it belongs to the group of banks of foreign bank groups according to NBU classification. Its strategic investor is the biggest bank of Poland - PKO Bank Polski S.A., whose part in a joint-stock capital of bank structure folds 99,6%. The bank offers the complete spectrum of services for retail clients, enterprises of small, middle and large business in the 23th areas of Ukraine and Kyiv.

Recently bank finished the construction of modern platform of contact center with automation of key business processes and introduction of fundamentally new services, that will decrease time of answer expectation and improve reliability of work and standards of quality of customers service. By means of partner, "ІТ-Integrator" company (Cisco Authorized Technology Provider), planning and construction of contact-center was executed on the base of Cisco Packaged Contact Center Enterprise 11.0, including service of conversations record of ZOOM International company.

Project, on the whole, from planning to the start occupied a bit less than year with integration with other systems. Taking into account criticism, all systems of contact-center were built on proof to the refuses architecture to provide service availability in case of death components of the system.

The projected Kredobank contact center contains next key components:

  • clients voice portal with the use of Cisco CVP technology;
  • automatic outgoing call system in accordance with bank's procedures;
  • IVR;
  • agents' workplaces that are integrated with existent bank services and programs;
  • online reports for the receipt of information about key indexes and SLA level of contact center;
  • systems of reception and treatment of multimedia appeals, that allow to talk about stage-by-stage realization of omnichannel model. 

Today contact-center is designed for 50 workplaces and has flexible possibilities for the increase of amount of operators to 1000 agents.

As a result of the project the bank has got a fully new platform for the customers service by facilities of modern communications. The built platform allows to optimize the tree of service in IVR, realize dynamic services, automatize initial campaigns and many other.