Solutions for Education

Solutions for Education
"IT-Integrator" offers a unique solution for education – an innovative education ecosystem or the so-called STEAM-laboratory (equipment + methodological support).
STEAM-laboratory is created for R&D, design and inventive activities, as well as the formation of key competencies of future professionals.
STEAM-laboratory from "IT-Integrator":
  • Compliance with current legislation and state educational standards
  • Compliance with the requirements of safety, health protection of students, sanitary and hygienic standards
  • Domestic development
  • Complex delivery and individual approach
  • Series of trainings for teachers 
  • Educational support:
    • Teaching aids
    • Consultations on the development of educational programs
    • Possibility to create a network of STEAM laboratories
  • Service support
    • Branch network throughout Ukraine
    • Warranty service
Read more about the solution at

Comprehensive solution for distance education and blended learning:

  • Educational computer complex based on Prime PC or other computer manufacturers
  • Deployment of the school educational cloud based on Microsoft Office 365
  • Automation of the educational process
  • Network equipment
  • Video conferencing and document collaboration based on Cisco Webex or Microsoft Teams solutions
  • Trainings for teachers (theory and practice)


  • Didactic materials for testing, creating and implementing an individual child development program
  • Equipping the space


  • Innovative education ecosystem for primary and secondary schools
  • 3D modeling and 3D graphics
  • Holographic training video
  • Educational electronics
  • Robotics
  • Laboratory workshops in physics, chemistry, biology

Language lab

Multimedia equipment

Demonstration and laboratory equipment for subjects of natural-mathematical cycle

Specialized furniture